Author: Adnan Pocketwala


​ Tightness of norms - When a category has a lot of structure, processes, social rules - Risk averse behaviors and a greater tendency to choose the tried and tested - When choices made are rooted to things...


“Identity Construction is a complex process by which we develop a clear and unique view of ourselves and our identity by discovering and addressing three core aspects, - What is different/ unique about me - Who...


“As marketers we often speak about building desirable products and brands, or work within categories where consumption is triggered by desire, but the question remains - what is desire really, where does it emanate from...


Now, anyone who has ever sat for any business presentation would surely be familiar with the iceberg. We have seen it in many shapes and forms and is often used to establish the depths of...


“The world is divided amongst those who are with us and those who are against us.” ​ A number of thought leaders who have been miffed with strategy losing its meaning, have often simplified its essence...

Thinking About HUMAN SENSES.

Have you ever wondered why riders fall in love the sound of their bike - What role does sound really play? - Is sound even needed with EVs growing in popularity? ​ As a marketer, would you choose...

Essential Elements Of A CREATIVE BRIEF

What we have today are a few thoughts on -Essential Elements Of A CREATIVE BRIEF But before we get to that, two essentials in the words of Dave Trott Planning is about what to say and do, the direction of...

How Can A Brand Make CONSTIPATION Cool

Welcome to Series II of our Bite Sized Mailers. The idea is to share things we found interesting during the week, things that made us pause and think. An interesting question that sprung up during conversations...

Why Marketers Love METAPHORS

METAPHORS are a form of figurative or nonliteral language that help express something by using words, visuals that normally denote something else. For seasoned marketers, metaphors are a way to persuasively communicate with consumers- Eg. “The...


Gender Blind Spots At an anthropology lecture, one of the professors held up a photograph of an antler bone with 28 markings on it. ‘This is alleged to be man’s first attempt at a calendar.’  To...