Urban Company

The Art of Identifying Opportunities in New Categories.
Case Study: 2018

The Challenge:

The Urban Company was 4 years into building a successful, desirable brand. The founders and marketing / brand team were journeying towards crafting their value proposition.

The Ask:

a. To understand how to grow the brand- specifically make home parlours relevant to a larger audience. E.g. Chennai was a difficult market for them.

b. Understand why the consumer was choosing / not choosing UC for their needs/ requirements, besides trust and convenience!

The Ormax Approach:

This assignment required different lenses:

1. Understanding users of UC and their story
2. Understanding non-users of UC, who were aware of the brand
3. Understanding how to crack Chennai as a market
4. Ormax researchers using the UC services – mystery consumers
5. Understanding the male perspective on UC

Moments of Truth:

1. We observed that the younger audience and those who had moved to another city found UC extremely useful because they had access to the services at the click of their finger and did not have to depend on their neighbours to inquire about these services!

2. Males found UC super helpful. “Instead of driving my wife on a Sunday to a parlour and waiting…missing my cricket match. Now it is win-win situation for me”

3. UC was a boon for young mothers who could now look pretty and attractive, still manage the baby and the house (and all of us know what mothers with babies go through). UC helped her look attractive and presentable!

4. Chennai was not “okay” with people coming home. Security, hygiene, profile, technical expertise of the UC professionals were important parameters of evaluation for the Chennai women.