Welspun Spaces

No More Sleepless Nights Over Bedsheets.
Case Study: 2019

The Challenge:

Welspun Spaces is a premium brand of bedsheets & towels with several patented products. While Welspun was well known and users of Spaces loved the product, there was low awareness for the brand Spaces. They were competing with Bombay Dyeing, D’Decor, Portico, Lifestyle, Shoppers Stop, Amarsons, and Jagdish Stores.

The Ask:

A. How to create a relevant positioning for Welspun Spaces.
B. How to create a brand that consumers would desire.

The Ormax Approach:

The assignment required two approaches:

1. Divergence – an exploratory approach where we had to deep dive into understanding the whole category of bedsheets and towels.
-An immersive exercise- spending time sitting with them in their bedrooms, on their beds – understanding their relationship with their bedsheets.
-Shopping with them for bedsheets
-Visiting stores and speaking to sales people

2. Convergence – crafting relevant proposition statements that we tested with the consumers to arrive at a winning positioning thought for Welspun Spaces

Moments of Truth:

1. We discovered how much torture the bedsheet goes through on a daily basis and the brand’s later communication was based on our research.

2. Although variety and design were a given in this category. We found some huge consumer pain-points like stains which Spaces had the technology to tackle.

The joy was being able to unearth opportunities.

Team Ormax has been our true partner in discovering ‘moments of truth’ in categories we believed can’t have many:) Through this we have been able to chart a clear growth path for our brands and portfolio
-Manjari Upadhye – Ex-CEO Welspun Retail Ltd.